Bird and Johnson, Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery to Remove Growths and Lesions

Feb 19, 2017 @ 01:00 PM — by Dr. Bird
Tagged with: Oral Surgery

One morning you may wake up and look in the mirror and notice an abnormal growth in your mouth. It may be at the floor of the mouth, inside or along the lip, the sides of the tongue, inside the cheeks, or perhaps the roof of the mouth. Whatever the case may be, it's important that you have this growth looked by a skilled dental professional.

The team at our Cocoa Beach oral surgery and implant dentistry center would like to consider some basics with regard to abnormal growths in the mouth, what they may be, and what the removal process entails.

Oral Screenings for Abnormal Growths and Lesions

During a routine dental visit, the dentist or the dental hygienist can closely examine the abnormal growth in your mouth. They will note the size, color, and nature of the growth during this screening. Additional tests may be run in order to determine the exact nature of the growth and the best way to address it.

In general, there are three classifications for abnormal growths in the mouth:

Surgical removal and subsequent treatment if necessary are the most common methods of treatment.

Oral Mucous Cysts

Also known as an oral mucocele, an oral mucous cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms inside of the mouth. It's most commonly caused by blockage of the salivary glands or trauma to parts of the mouth. The condition is rarely serious.

Types of Benign Oral Tumors

While the word "tumor" has a negative connotation, it simply refers to an abnormal growth of cells. The growth may be cancerous or benign in nature. Some examples of benign tumors affecting the mouth include:

Precancerous Growths in the Oral Cavity

Precancerous growths are early warning signs of serious health issues. They are most commonly identified by the way they change the color of the tissues of the mouth. If you notice any notable and abnormal redness or whiteness inside of your mouth, be sure to speak with a doctor or dentist right away.

Examples of precancerous growths include:

Surgical Removal of Abnormal Growths

There are many different surgical approaches to consider when it comes to removing growths in the mouth. For cysts, lesions, and benign tumors, the procedure is generally routine. Local anesthetic is used to minimize discomfort during the procedure, anesthesia or sedation are used to relax the patient, and the growth is carefully extracted. For precancerous growths and serious lesions, more involved surgical treatments may be required, and they are often part of a multi-part treatment plan.

During your consultation with our team, we can develop a treatment plan that is specifically tailored to you and your health needs. We will be more than happy to cover the risks and benefits of all these issues so you know what to expect before, during, and after the surgical procedure.

Learn more About Advanced Oral Surgery

For more information about advanced oral surgery procedures that can improve your dental health and your general wellness, be sure to contact our advanced oral surgery center today. The team at our practice will work closely with you to ensure you receive the care you need.